Natural Child

Published on 10 January 2025 at 06:00

eight albums and still rolling

(Artist Report)

Written by: Cody Denning 

Today we are talking about the Nashville, Tennessee band, Natural Child. This band has a vintage touch, with a '70s boogie sound and a bit of a gritty garage rock vibe. Fans and critics have praised the band, and over the years, they have built a fan base all over the world.

The band began in 2008 and would quickly move on to release their debut EP in January 2009, self-titled “Natural Child.” Exploding onto the Nashville scene with a rock and roll style, it wouldn’t be long before Natural Child took off on tour and put out several more releases.

From 2011 to 2016, the band was on a musical rampage, releasing five studio albums and touring extensively through the USA and overseas. The music released during this time period would go on to see millions of plays and establish the band as a well-known modern rock and roll band. The growing momentum would slow, and the band would pause their tour efforts after social media allegations arose. The band took this very seriously and resolved the issues.

After facing the allegations, Natural Child returned to the road, maintaining their active status. However, it would be years before the band would release more work. The albums “Okey Dokey,” “Dancin' With Wolves,” and other releases would maintain the band's popularity, growing to reach millions. In 2020, with no prior publicity or rollout, the band released their return album, self-titled “Natural Child.”
No change in sound, the band was back with the gritty, psychedelic style that moved heads.

Natural Child released their 8th studio album in the summer of 2023, blasting the 1970s sound. The new album, titled “Be M’Guest,” might be one of the most put-together albums from Natural Child. Showcasing the many different flavors of rock and roll, this album is an experience. An honest look into this band tells us they are more honed in than ever and masters of the craft.

Natural Child continues to tour and pack the house. We will keep you updated on any new releases or news that may develop. Thank you for reading this Soundwave Report. Keep on rockin'.


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