New Single: The Fruit Bats - Married For Love

Published on 25 June 2024 at 09:00

"Newly Released Single From Fruit Bats on June 18, 2024"

We released a story on them back on January 25, 2024. Today, we are bringing you an update on their new single. If you haven't read their story, you can find here on Soundwave Music Media.

The song began as a synth-heavy demo by TORRES (Mackenzie Scott). The initial recording was heavy, without any acoustic instruments. But then, something awesome happened. Scott shared the demo with Eric D. Johnson of Fruit Bats, who worked his musical magic. He added more mellow harmonies and lighter acoustic features. This release marks a significant artistic partnership and highlights their ability to blend their distinct musical styles in innovative ways. The name of the single is "Married for Love".

“Married for Love” is a poetic exploration of commitment and resilience. The repetition of “I married for love / I fought and I won” underscores the determination to weather life’s storms. Scott’s voice, combined with Johnson’s harmonies, creates an extremely delicate atmosphere—a hymn for the devoted and the hopeful. The lyrics invite us to stay patient, happy, and loving—qualities essential for enduring love. The synthesizers create a delicate ambience, while the Quaker-inspired chant covers us in warmth and togetherness.

This song will be included on an EP titled "A Decoration," that both TORRES and Fruit Bats collaborated on and is set to be released on August 9, 2024. “Married for Love” transcends genres, blending indie electronics with spiritual undertones. It’s a testament to love’s endurance, wrapped in a musical cocoon that invites heart and soul searching. So, close your eyes, listen, and let the harmonies carry you to a place where love conquers all. Normally, as I write a lot of these stories, I usually don't say too much about particular songs, BUT, in my humble opinion, This Song Is Beautiful!!! Job well done Mackenzie and Eric!

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